What is in a name?

Posted on 11:46 AM by Tweedle Beetle Tri-Athletle | 0 comments

So, I have received a question about the name of the blog...

"Tweedle Beetle Tri-Atheletle"

In essence, after quite a long conversation of what a Tweedle Beetle was - it really comes down to this.  My oldest son Aidan love the book "Fox in Socks" by good old Dr. Seuss. 

I have now read this book a sufficient number of times to be able to project these terribly tight, trembling, touchy, tongue twisters without error.  My favorite section of this book has to do with the Tweetle Beetles and their incessant battles in every medium from a puddle to a bottle on a poodle with some fairly dangerous paddles.

I guess I relate their battles to the same sort of battles that athletes will engage in the water (puddle) the run and the bike section of a triathlon.  Besides - the name helps me feel a little closer to my kids, a huge motivation in completing this challenge in my life.

Oh and I just realized that I am a bit of a dunce and in the spelling of the name "Tweedle" I put a "d" instead of a "t".  I suppose it should read "Tweetle" instead of "Tweedle".  Um, for those of you who really know me... you really won’t be surprised as I feel lucky every time I spell my name correctly as I cant accurately spell much else!

Here are the Lyrics to this section of Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss.

Let's have a little talk about tweetle beetles....

What do you know about tweetle beetles?  Well...
When tweetle beetles fight,
it's called a tweetle beetle battle.

And when they battle in a puddle, 

it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle.

AND when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle,
they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.


When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle
and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle...
...they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle.


When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles
and the bottle's on a poodle and the poodle's eating noodles...
...they call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle
bottle paddle battle.


Now wait a minute, Mr. Socks Fox!
When a fox is in the bottle where the tweetle beetles battle
with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle-eating poodle,
THIS is what they call...

...a tweetle beetle noodle poodle bottled paddled
muddled duddled fuddled wuddled fox in socks, sir!

Anyway - for all of you out there who are looking for a new blog name... this one is now taken and you can't have it back!


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