Raise your hand if you have ever slept sitting up...

Posted on 9:34 AM by Tweedle Beetle Tri-Athletle | 0 comments

Hi All! This is what I look like when I am not crippled with back pain! This is not what I look like now...

I suppose I should count my blessings, today I am NOT looking for a kind soul to end everything for me - so that is a plus. Although, I can't say I am far off. I credit this improvement to two incredibly talented individuals:

1) My chiropractor - Dr. David Corll (http://www.completecare.us/): While this is only the second time I have seen Dr. Corll he seems to have the healing touch! My fingers on my left hand are still numb but I am not crying anymore!

2) My acupuncturist - Monica Mathews (http://www.mathewsacupuncture.com/): Monica is our families miracle worker. You think I am kidding... keep reading. Monica has healed more of my illnesses than any other health care worker I have been to. To put this into perspective, the only 30 min of pain free serenity I have had in the past 4 days has been while laying on my side in Monica's office. I would have done anything to simply stay there all night and the next day looking like a pin cushion. Monica seems to have discovered the cure to the common cold (as she has now shortened my cold time to 2-3 days instead of my usual 10), fixed my rotater cuff in 3 session (which had been ailing me for over 10 months after a rock climbing injury) and exorcised malicious spirits, hahaha... haha.. ha... uh :-/.

I hope to add a massage therapist to this list on tomorrows addition - stay tuned!

As you may know, I have two little boys. One is 4 and the other is 2 and both are 30 lbs plus. You take their unsubstantial size and weight for granted most of the time, casually lifting their squirming mass in and out of the car, onto the couch, into the crib, off of the couch, off of the dining room table, off of the back of the easy chair, off of the counter top, off... off... off. Well, just wait until you can't pick up your left arm and then contemplate lifting 35 lbs of kicking screaming flesh off of anything! No offense to anyone but don't think God did much child rearing before he designed the human because if he did - our backs would be made out of carbon nanotubes (if you don't know what this is, watch the science channel at 4:00 AM like I was this morning via pain induced insomnia - supposedly these things are 30x stronger than the strongest steel alloy and are being designed to hoist huge bulks into space via a "space elevator"). Needless to say, NASA should employ parents of toddlers to analyze the stresses and strains of what real hoisting is all about... You think a space station compartment is tough to get off the ground, you should try these two!

See those smiles? Ya, they look cute now but what those smiles are really all about is the satisfaction of VICTORY!!! A few minutes before we took this photo, half of their face was painted with blue Scottish war paint. Despite all of the hoisting, dragging, tickling and just plain yelling, the two of them have managed to avoid capture and continue to hold down the fort.

Well needless to say - without all pistons firing at full capacity, there is no question that parenting is a loosing battle. I have yet another chiropractor appointment today as well as a massage scheduled. With any luck at all Santa may show up on Christmas Eve with a pain free night!

Happy Holidays Everyone!


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