Race For Makenzie Shirey


Makenzie Christina Shirey, is about to teach all of us a lesson.  The lesson of being strong, courageous and using your body because you can.

Monday, September 20th, Makenzie and her family were at the pool playing and laughing.  They were swimming and diving, enjoying the nice warm night and being active.  The week quickly turned on the Shirey family.  On Thursday, September 23rd, Makenzie was rushed to the ER at Children's Hospital because she had been very sick with the stomach flu for 36 hours.  She is a vibrant, active, dynamic and energetic 6 year old who lost her energy and the flu took over. Sadly, Makenzie was placed in ICU and is preparing to teach us a big lesson- the lesson of COURAGE.  

Makenzie has been diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis, in addition to many other things. She is in a lot of pain, but barely complaining. She has been the biggest trooper and hugging her stuffed puppy with little winces as they perform test after test.  She has been sweetly holding her Mom's and Dad's hands and staying so strong, while scared and nervous of what is going on around her.  What Makenzie has is very, very rare in children and terminal in any 60 year old with a minor heart condition. But she keeps going on and is fighting like no other.  Thus, she is using her body with fierce determination as it is fighting against her. 

We know she will win this race and it is a marathon.

Please visit Makenzie's caring bridge website at: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/makenzieshirey


Makenzie is doing her job, every day, every hour and every minute.  She is fighting for her life and with her natural tenasity, determination and courage there is no question in my heart that she will win.  While she is focused on fighting, her parents should be focused on supporting her fight, but drawing from my own personal experience as a parent - we must splice our focus and pay our mortgage, electricity and phone bills.  We have to go to work, cook dinners , pack lunches and make breakfast.  The Shireys have all of this and more.  They now have months worth of hospital bills to contend with.  

As an endurance athlete, I draw inspiration from Makenzie - she is running longer, fighting more and working harder on her fight that I have ever put into any race I have ever been in.  I respect this little girls courage so much, I want to help her family support her and help them by giving them some relief from the financial burden bestowed upon them and to do that I need your help.

I have enrolled in a 25K ultra-trail race at Hagg Lake (http://www.haggmud.com/), due to take place February 19th, which I will run in Makenzie's honor.  I hope to raise as much sponsorship money for the Makenzie family as I possibly can.  

100% of the funds raised will go 
directly to their family.

Makenzie is running the most difficult race of her life.  My commitment to her is so small - I will try to work as hard, run with as much courage and race with as much determination as she has displayed over the past few months.  My race will take less than 2 hours - she has been fighting for months.

I ask for sponsorship money - as much as you can give.  Please help me, help her family.

Please make checks out to:

Makenzie Shirey Benefit

I will be submitting all money collected to

Makenzie Shirey BenefitBank of Alameda
1416 Park St.Alameda, CA 94501

