Locked up...

Posted on 7:10 AM by Tweedle Beetle Tri-Athletle | 0 comments


So for the past 4 days I have had a bit of a neck/back ache. It was tight but nothing too terribly bad for the first two days - I even went for a ride on Saturday (Details below) and felt OK. At about 4:00 this morning though, I woke up unable to move without excruciating pain. I have been thought allot of painful things... broken collar bones, broken ribs, hernia surgeries and a whole bunch of other ailments. Very infrequently does pain cause me to well up with tears and whimper like a baby. It is 6:52 AM and in the past 3 hours I have done this twice. At 6:30 I left a pleading message with my chiropractor to get me in at whatever cost. This is true agony...

Well, to try and distract myself, I thought I would at least communicate my last ride on Saturday. It was actually really fantastic (besides the dodge ram that tried to run me off the road). Temperature was a brisk 50 degrees but no rain and intermittent fog (which was actually really cool to ride though). There were two huge elevation changes in the short 20 mile ride which allowed for fast descents into cloud banks and that amazing feeling of going from 20 ft visibility to blue sunny sky at the top of a climb. Overall it was gorgeous!!!

I think my favorite part of the ride was the last climb - this was one of those where your HR is over 180 and you look down (while standing on the peddles) and your speed is 5.2 mph.

Here are the stats:
Ride Time: 1:34 total
Ave HR: 166 BPM
Max HR: 188 BPM
In target HR Zone: 25 min
Above target HR Zone: 108 min
1613 Kcal burned
Distance: 20.4 miles
Ave Speed: 13 MPH
Top Speed: 36 MPH

Here is a map of the ride with elevation.


Anyway, I will keep you all updated on the state of my back... thanks for listening!


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