Posted on 7:20 AM by Tweedle Beetle Tri-Athletle | 0 comments

North Lake Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation has agreed to provide me sponsorship for the 2010 Triathlon season!  

Setting the Stage - The timeline:

Last December, 2009 - I made the decision that I was going to begin my training for the Pacific Crest 1/2 Iron Man in Sunriver Oregon.

December 19th, 2009 - Beautiful December day - 20 mile light ride. Tingling in my left hand.

December 21st, 2009 - Woke up to the most intense pain ever radiating down my left arm. (http://tweedlebeetletriatheletle.blogspot.com/2009/12/locked-up.html)

January 21st, 2010 - Complete Artificial Disk Replacement surgery, to replace the badly herniated Disk between C6/7.

Febuary, 2010 - Cheryl Kosta agrees to ignore my ridiculous insurance and provide to me the very best in physical therapy.  Thank you!!!!

The Badly Herniated Disk between C-6 and C-7.
The Group:

The North Lake Group, lead by Physical Therapist and North Lake founder Cheryl Kosta, took me under their healing wing back in February 2010 - after my C6/7 artificial disk replacement surgery.  This surgery corrected my badly herniated disk which resulted in excruciating pain, muscle waisting on my left shoulder, pectoral, bicep and triceps, numbness in my left hand and paralysis in my left triceps.

What They Did:

Rather than just rehabbing my cervical spine and shoulder area, the group took on a holistic approach - viewing the body and a system of interconnected subsystems.  I completed my rehab with two sets of ortohotics (one for daily use - the other for running/cycling), a professional and complete bike fit, and I am ecstatic to report that I have made a complete recovery.  The orthotics are designed to not only align my bone structure preventing some of my most chronic injuries (Achilles Tendinitis and IT Band Tendinitis) but also increasing performance!  By aligning my structure I increase efficiency and power transfer.
Post Surgery - Notice the artificial disk between C-6
and C-7.

The Result:

On May 15t,h 2010 (less than 4 months after my spine surgery), I returned to competing at the Pole Pedal Paddle. (http://tweedlebeetletriatheletle.blogspot.com

On June 6th, 2010 I competing in my first Olympic Distance Triathlon at Blue Lake, finishing 125th out of 405 finishers.

My Sincerest Thank You!

There is no question that North Lake's direction during my recovery not only helped my physical recovery from my spinal injury but also returned me to a stronger, more limber and faster place.

To Cheryl and everyone at North Lake, thank you for your guidance, your support and your financial assistance!


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