Happy New Year!

Posted on 9:52 PM by Tweedle Beetle Tri-Athletle | 1 comments

Hello Everyone,

Happy new year!  I wish I was starting things out in a bit of a stronger way but I am telling myself, "I am getting the worst of the year over with in the very beginning."  Today was a struggle for me - it started with a realization that that the paralysis is setting in in my left triceps. I am having trouble extending my left arm from the elbow when held over my head.  This was a realization that this is real and it is not going to be like the rest of the injuries that I have worked through over the last 30 years.  This was followed by shaking and tremors while trying to do simple things with my left hand (shuffling a deck of cards for instance).  In all honesty, I am feeling scared.

I wasn't sure if the pain medication was working or not.  The anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant does allot to irritate my stomach but the pain didn't seem to have diminished.  I thought I would try and entertain myself today and put it to a test - stopping the medicine and see how I was fairing towards the end of the day.   The result was allot more pain which was frustrating in its own right. 

Tomorrow I am looking forward to a appointment with a neurologist.  I really am looking forward to it - maybe (I am preying) I will have an answer as to what is going on.  While there has been a written diagnosis of Brachial Neuritis, no one can really confirm it without a MRI and Nerve Conduction Test.  I am hoping that the neurolgist can make this happen for me quickly - confirming a diagnosis, giving me a prognosis (so I know what I am up against) and a agressive plan of attack to overcome this.

Lastly, the gift of feeling grateful for the rest of my life, and my family is still with me.  I think of Pablo and his father Jeff everyday when I feel the frustration and doubt set in.  I realize that I would live everyday with this pain if it meant that I could continue to be with my wife and children.  Thank you Pablo.

May we all have a happy 2010.


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