Recovery... finally!

Posted on 9:37 AM by Tweedle Beetle Tri-Athletle | 0 comments

The worst is over...

Overall, the surgery (Complete Cervical C6/7 Artificial Disk Replacement) was a complete success (at least 2 days later). After gowning up, it was simply a waiting game.  The surgery before me was delayed by about an hour which in most circumstances would be a real bummer as you anticipate the worst.  Actually, though - it gave me time to meditate and get centered before the procedure was done.  I went in feeling very calm, collected and centered.  Here are some of the before photos showing everyone in a nervous but good spirit...

It's not the camera that adds the extra 40 lbs - its the gown... terribly unflattering especially when they pump it full of warm air.  That said, its like sitting in a sauna at the gym and a huge improvement over past surgeries where your nerves seam to turn you into an icicle.  You also may notice my uncommonly unshaven face.  I had a truly grand plan of shaving the morning of the surgery.  I failed at reading the "pre-opp" direction which are fairly clear - no shaving two days before surgery as it may increase infection.  I was stuck with the Itchiest face ever going into the procedure.

The procedure started at about 4:30 and I finally came out at about 6:30 and woke up around 8:00.  I can't remember much except talking my wife's yoga class up to the recovery nurse.  It was a long night - walking up every few hours and getting restless sleep between.  Overall the effects of the surgery paled in comparison to the side effects of the drugs they were giving me in fairly high dosages.  First they started me out on Dilaudid.

 For you chemist friends of mine... here is what the little guy looks like (cool 3D image that takes me back Chemical Engineering).   

(Adverse effects of hydromorphone are similar to those of other opioid analgesics, such as morphine. The major hazards of hydromorphone include dose-related respiratory depression and sometimes circulatory depression.[4] More common side effects include light-headedness, dizziness, sedation, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and sweating.[4] Massive overdoses are rarely observed in opioid tolerant individuals, but when they occur they may lead to circulatory system collapse. - From Good old

For me, the worst of my night started with my second dose of Dilaudid where it felt like my chest was being compressed with a 250 lb weight.  It took all my focus to raise and lower my chest and it scared the crap out of me.  While this effect eventually died off, it meant that the nurses hooked me up to all the machines again to send an alarm if I did go into respiratory arrest.  Later, the nausea and vomiting kicked in.  To combat this, at about 8:00 the next morning they gave me some sort of anti-nausea drug which brought on the worst of my recovery - I had uncontrollable twitching, leg muscle spasms and shaking.  On top of that, I had the worst anxiety - I would have done anything to get out of that hospital bed.  It was the worst feeling on the planet and one that I would never want to repeat again.  I finally got relief with more drugs, some sort of anti-convulsion/anti-seizure drug and Valium which helped me sleep a bit more.

Finally they asked me if I was in pain and I flatly lied to them saying NOPE - I FEEL GREAT! In hopes that they wouldn't give me anything else to make me feel worst.  The good news is that they then prescribed good old Tylenol which I have been on ever sense.  Sometimes I think it better that you just endure the "real" pain as opposed to the more awful side effects of the drugs they give you to cover it up.

All the worst said, I am soooooo relieved at the outcome of the surgery.  The radiating pain in my shoulder and arm is GONE. The numbness in my fingers has lessened and the strength in my triceps has increased substantially.  Am I sore?  Yes - especially the muscles around my incision on the front of my neck.  Honestly though, I have been in worse pain after a solid lacrosse game.  I really can't complain and feel so blessed that I could get this surgery as soon as I did.  I am looking forward to a 100% complete recovery!!!

I spoke with the surgeon after the procedure and he said I was a text book example of the perfect surgery.  The herniated disk was one of the top 3 largest that he had seen in the cervical spine and hernias of this size are usually reserved for the larger disks in the lower part of the back  It really justified the amount of pain, numbness and paralysis that I was feeling.  A very heart felt thank you to the expertise, caring and excellent skills of Dr. Keenen and Dr. Tatsumi of Oregon Spine Specialist (

My wife has been fantastic - she has been so strong through this and so caring.  I couldn't be a luckier husband.  My mother-in-law Susan, my Dad and Step Mom have all been out here spoiling my boys and keeping them from using their delicate daddy as a jungle gym.  Thanks to all who send their thoughts and prayers during and after the surgery and the meals coming in from Shannon's friends at "Mom's Club".  You have all made this difficult time so much easier to bare.

I am looking forward to taking my first shower after my surgery - although with my Dad's help, I did shave last night to great relief.  It also made me feel good that "Dad Duties" don't ever end :).


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